Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Safe Travels
Yes, this one's about life. And it's good.
I promise I won't keep you long. I just want to tell you about my travels.
A long time ago, when Significant Other and I started dating, she was far away in Massachusetts while I was living in Minnesota. Every time I went out to visit her, it would be an ordeal.
I would start out with my flight. And for those of you who don't know my flight travels, I have a serious issue with traveling. My family has instilled the notion that I need to arrive at the airport 2 hours before my flight. To be honest, I don't mind showing up a little early and relaxing. It's nice to get coffee and not rush through security. I've always been an early flier so this time was no different.
Once I got to the airport I would wait until my flight took off. I always connected somewhere because without connections, you're paying a price for airline tickets that don't justify the luxury of flying direct. Just sayin'. And yes, I just called flying direct a luxury.
I land in Milwaukee (the most common connection), and then I would then wait a little longer. Sometimes there were bloodys involved in waiting but it would mainly be more food and me making fun of Wisconsin to anyone that would listen. Another option would be talking to myself which is a common occurrence for individuals in the Milwaukee airport anyway. Outside of the feces-like smell, my crazy ass fit in ok. (Note: this is not a ringing endorsement for anything in Wisconsin, except for family).
After departing Milwaukee, I would land in Boston. Significant Other's college was about an hour south of the city so I would have to then take the subway to a commuter rail line. After getting on the commuter rail line, I would then arrive in downtown Mansfield. Pretty much worse than Wisconsin. Just kidding, Wisconsin is far worse.
From there, I would have to wait for this mode of transportation called the Gatra. This would be a bus driven from Mansfield to Norton, where the college is. Usually, this guy would be driving. And the Gatra would only cost one dollar. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't trust anything that costs just one dollar. Have you ever been inside a dollar store? Do you trust any of those products? Even Pop (Soda) is more than a dollar these days. And you're telling me that I'm able to get in a weird short bus that costs a dollar to drive a ways down the road to a different town? Ya, little odd.
I finally arrive at Significant Other's college and it was all worth it. I did these trips for a long time. Clearly, it was important for me to go!
Jump to present day and there is a different type of reality when it comes to traveling.
Since living out in Boston, I travel home to Minnesota to visit my family and friends. Thankfully, I'm able to get picked up. And let me tell you I really do appreciate those rides. (Not saying I'm sassy about not getting a ride from Significant Other when visiting her. It's just the life and times, you know?).
My brother is the one that usually picks me up. My parents do sometimes, but my brother doesn't mind and we usually go out to lunch and hang out. It's always awesome to travel home and be with family when you step off the plane.
I bring up my travels because of the last time I went home. I had a flight home and of course my brother was there to pick me up.
We went straight from the airport to a Mongolian BBQ restaurant at 11:30 a.m. Nothin' better than eating some greased out Mongolian in the late morning to get your stomach going! Anyway, we sat and talked and caught up.
It made me appreciate how lucky I am to have a great family (it's growing of course) and a great brother.
It's his birthday today. Just wanted to let you know how much he means to me. Bro, I can't thank you enough for being you. I certainly lucked out.
Here's what I advise: Many of you have siblings. Make sure they know your life isn't the same without them.
Happy B-day Bro!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Yes, a post about Tebow
Blogger Note: Remember, every Friday is sports. I'll try to make this as reader friendly as possible. This post is an easy one.
When I was 14 years old, I remember going out on one of my first dates. I don't remember much except for the fact I was picked up by her Mom (as all dates were back then). As we headed to the movie theater for a matinee, I remember closing my eyes and asking whether the All Mighty could give me a sign on how this date would go. I opened my eyes and would not forget the next image I saw. I saw a hearse driving across the County Road Nine and Rockford Road intersection.
Understand that I am in no way a religious fanatic. But that day I had to make a choice. Whether the hearse episode was a supernatural act, or something of pure coincidence. I decided on the later. There are some divine occurrences that I do believe in such as fate; however The Dude Upstairs is not going to care about a 14 year old's date that he doesn't even remember to this day.
So when Tebow started blowing up on TV and on the Internet, I had to keep my cool. His miraculous comebacks and strange stat lines (316, 31.6) were that of coincidences. Because there is no way The Dude Upstairs is a Broncos fan.
For me, it was important to evaluate Tebow as a QB. He does bring an worldly element to the game that many people can love/hate. But can he last as a QB? I think that since he has played practically a full season, people can make a fair judgment whether he will last.
I know this will shock all of you, but I think that the key factors are there for him to last. Here's why:
- Tebow is durable. He has yet to have a serious injury in all levels of football. Even furthermore, he's an absolute locomotive. He's like a 4 Loco. Tebow's workouts are legendary and that helps the durability factor.
- Tim Tebow is clutch. Most of the games this year have Tebow leading some type of drive toward the end of the game. In most (if not all) of those games he has risen to the occasion and has been physically and mentally unbeatable.
- Tim Tebow is confident. I watched this a couple of times (http://youtu.be/grM2sb7VYSs) and was floored by the fact that he consistently thinks he is going to win each possession, each drive, and each game.
- Tim Tebow is a cash cow. He has a top selling jersey and his philanthropic efforts make him ridiculously marketable. He's exciting to watch and brings in new fans to the NFL that never would have watched the games otherwise.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Allow me to reintroduce myself
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Guess who's back? |
Head-Master Guy Blog note: If a blog was a measure of a person, I would be declared dead. If a blog was a book, this book would have a ton of dust and possibly a spider taking care of spider-babies. If this blog was a car, it would be a 1988 Pontiac Grand Am with the 8-track player that doesn't work. If this blog was a fashion, it would be a Cosby Sweater.
Well, the good news is that I can wear Cosby Sweaters whenever I want (and I do), I used to own a 1988 Pontiac Grand Am, I can kill that spider and wipe off the dust, and most importantly this blog needs to live again.
Sorry I've been away for so long. Part of my New Years Resolutions was to follow through on things. This is something that I want to follow through on. The last version of this blog was all over the place, this blog will focus on the things I love the most (outside of Significant Other): sandwiches, sports, and experiences that need to be written about. This is of course a blog, so take what you will and make sure to spread the word.
Here's how it will go, each week there will be three postings. The sandwiches will be on a Monday, because I make Sandwiches on a Monday and there is nothing better to get over a case of the Mondays than eating a delicious made-from-scratch Sandwich.
Sports will be on a Fridays to compete with Bill Simmons. I can only hope that my sports blurbs will rival his.
And somewhere in the middle or after either of these posts will be a post about life. Something that everyone should know: a story, an experience, or a humerous interaction that needs to be explained.
Because I'm so nice (and interestingly enough, quite motivated), I'm setting up a sneak preview of what's to come. I've got a double sandwich section because it's Monday and you know I be eatin' them sandwiches like whoa up in this.
Sandwiches: In two parts
I consider myself to be a lover of sandwiches. Significant Other and I went on a vacation to Vegas awhile back and there was a restaurant called "Earl of Sandwich." Upon my insistence, we went every day. In an effort to spruce up my future sandwich truck that I'll own (dare to dream), I needed to start collecting my best recipes. I bounced the ideas off of Significant Other and knew that these were secrets that I could not keep from all of you.
Sandwiches can solve world peace. The problem is we haven't found this sandwich yet. My role here is to find that sandwich, make it, eat it, then share it with all of you.
Here are my latest creations:
The Frisco
2 slices of wheat bread (Think the thick stuff, not that weak sauce you find in your local grocery store)
Roast Beef (I like meat so I had a lot of it. To each their own)
1/4 cup of mushrooms and onions
1 slice of lacy swiss cheese (this exists, go to your grocery story and find it; I recommend Boar's Head).
For the Sauce:
1/4 cup of fat free sour cream
1 Tbs of horseradish
1 tsp of white wine vinegar
2 tsp of dijon mustard (NOT GRAY POUPON. No one likes Gray Poupon http://goo.gl/ixcLh)
In a saucepan, saute onions and mushrooms (add crushed garlic if you want but not a ton). While sauteing vegetables, use an iron skillet to toast the bread lightly on both sides. Remove bread from iron skillet. Put Roast Beef on iron skillet to warm. Lay the meat flat as to give the sauteed veggies a bed. Put sauteed veggies on top of meat and let it warm for a few minutes. Finally add lacy swiss cheese (should be able to cover both the meat and veggies). While the cheese is melting, spread homemade horseradish on both sides. Put the meat, veggies, and cheese on the sandwich and serve. Cut in half and as an option, use BBQ sauce (something mild) as a dipping sauce.
The Monte (with chicken)
1 Onion Roll
Oven roast Chicken Breast (you can use your own chicken breast, however, the best sandwiches are made with deli meat, just sayin')
1 Slice of Smoked Gouda
1 Apple (preferably something juicy yet neutral. Don't go Granny Smith because that will ruin it. Something like a Jazz or Honeycrisp apple would be perfect).
1 Egg
1 Tbs Milk
Some butter (3 tsp)
Some sugar (bout the same)
One shot of Jack Daniels (other shot optional for taking after making this awesome sandwich as celebration)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Set in cookie sheet (or pizza stone if possible) and let that sit and warm up. Turn on an iron skillet and let that warm up as well. In a sauce pan, melt butter and add sugar to reduce. After about a minute you should have a nice base. Add a slice (generous) of apple and cook in saucepan. While cooking in saucepan, flambe with Jack (just pour that Jack like it's Saturday Night). Optional here to have a shot as well. Flip over to the other side and repeat with a little more Jack. Let that slice sit.
In a bowl, beat the egg and add milk. Add salt and pepper if you'd like as well. Dip the onion roll (cut in half) in egg/milk and put on skillet. Flip onion roll to the other side and add oven roast chicken on the skillet. About a minute should pass and chicken should be warm. Put the chicken, flambe apple and smoked gouda on the sandwich and close it up. Take the completed sandwich and stick it in the oven for 3 minutes. The smoked gouda should be melted and you're ready to eat. Have some deli mustard as an option. I thought it needed a little spice and the Significant Other thought otherwise. To each their own.
Pictures to come for each Monday's sandwich edition.
A New Type of Optimism
I make mistakes. Early in my life, these mistakes were life changing. Now, these mistakes are just erroneous predictions of sports teams I love. I can't hide it, I love the Timberwolves. In a grander scale, I love the NBA but really, I love the Timberwolves. Some of my best memories of sporting events were early 2000's when I got tossed tickets (thank you Krish) to go see KG play. His intensity covered the fact that he would have been the best #2 guy on the team. He wasn't a #1 guy and needed help and we never gave him the extra help he needed. It took a season of Spree and the Alien to say, "Yes, KG needs help, and he can't do this alone." The next season, Spree needed to feed his kids and so started the decline of the Timberwolves.
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So, when Kevin Love, B-Easy, and Darko started playing some inspired ball early last season, I blogged about how much this would be the start of a new era. Well, it kinda started a new era; but in reality, I gushed about Michael Beasley and Darko for about an hour and I can't have that hour back. This was my mistake. This time I am not making a mistake and the Timberwolves are officially a team to take more seriously than a doormat.
Kevin Love is a top 8 player in the league right now. The facts are the Timberwolves need to sign him to an extended max deal. After this priority is set, there needs to be a series of moves to take the Timberwolves to contending for a playoff spot to advancing in the playoffs. To me, the Timberwolves have four movable pieces that can combine with expiring contracts to make a switch for players. B-Easy (expiring 2012-2013), Martell (expiring contact plus veteran?), Tolliver (expiring contract), and Wes Johnson. Basically, the Timberwolves should find a scorer who can handle the ball and be less selfish than one certain player on this team WHO ONLY GOES LEFT. I'll let you take a guess who that is. And since the Timberwolves can't trade Darko to save their lives (worst contract on the team), then the Timberwolves should make a play for Andre Iguodala. His contract is huge, but with so much coming off the books in a couple of years, the Wolves could afford him. And besides, the most important note is that the team would trade a crappy SF who is selfish and uncoachable for a leader in Andre who scores a ton of points AND plays good defense.
This is my solution. It all starts with locking up Kevin Love first. That gives the Timberwolves a range of flexibility to start moving pieces that will add up to one very good player. My eye is set on Iguodala.
The South End |
I'm not going to start off by saying I'm either getting old or don't get out that much. No; saying that would mean it's true. What I will say is we don't get out that much. So when Significant Other and I decided we wanted to paint the town multi-color, we did it because it was time to show ourselves that we were still young and adventurous.
The South End, for those who do not live in Boston, is a quaint area of town. Nestled in the middle of downtown Boston, it boasts a wide variety of restaurants, bars, and clubs. Significant Other and I decided that it would be fun to do something I recommend all of you do. We desired to know our city better, and what better way than to ask the locals.
The plan was this: research our best option for dinner, then let our neighborhood be our guide.
We walked into a local spot called Coda off of Columbus Ave. We wanted to share meals because we're basically a power couple and power couples share meals. I would assume when Jay Z and B go out to eat, they share a variety of meals. We were basically Rap Superstars this particular Saturday night.
We ordered Steak Frites and Grilled Sea Scallops with Couscous. The meal was the second best thing going (the company was clearly the first). We also started on a couple of drinks, a Makers Mark Old Fashion for me and a Grapefruit Summer Press for the Significant Other. It was 50 degrees in January which made the drink quite appropriate for the situation.
At the end of our meal, we had no clue what to do. So we started our adventure by asking the bar manager where to go.
"We're new around this part of town. Can you give us a recommendation on where to go next?" I asked with the most Minnesotan accent possible.
"You guys should try the BeeHive. They have live music and great drinks and food," he replied.
So on we went. We went to the BeeHive and asked where to go after that. We stopped at B&G Oyster and asked where to go after that. We stopped at Coppa, which smelled like garbage and we didn't ask anyone there. But if there was a way to bottle that smell and sell it as the worst smell on Earth, I would.
Finally, we hit Union Bar and Grille. A fantastic bartender served us up more drinks and we proceeded to the next bar of his recommendation. So on and so on.
All and all, a fantastic night. Significant Other was dressed to impress (and she absolutely impressed) and it was great way to explore a part of town where we had no idea where to go next.
I recommend each of you to explore your own town. Go to an area that you're not familiar with and ask around at each establishment. I promise you won't be disappointed and you'll find some truly unique spots that you never knew existed. Don't go into the hood. There aren't many good establishments there.
Let me know if you guys end up doing this! Love to hear the results, especially from Minneapolis.
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