Blogger Note: Remember, every Friday is sports. I'll try to make this as reader friendly as possible. This post is an easy one.
When I was 14 years old, I remember going out on one of my first dates. I don't remember much except for the fact I was picked up by her Mom (as all dates were back then). As we headed to the movie theater for a matinee, I remember closing my eyes and asking whether the All Mighty could give me a sign on how this date would go. I opened my eyes and would not forget the next image I saw. I saw a hearse driving across the County Road Nine and Rockford Road intersection.
Understand that I am in no way a religious fanatic. But that day I had to make a choice. Whether the hearse episode was a supernatural act, or something of pure coincidence. I decided on the later. There are some divine occurrences that I do believe in such as fate; however The Dude Upstairs is not going to care about a 14 year old's date that he doesn't even remember to this day.
So when Tebow started blowing up on TV and on the Internet, I had to keep my cool. His miraculous comebacks and strange stat lines (316, 31.6) were that of coincidences. Because there is no way The Dude Upstairs is a Broncos fan.
For me, it was important to evaluate Tebow as a QB. He does bring an worldly element to the game that many people can love/hate. But can he last as a QB? I think that since he has played practically a full season, people can make a fair judgment whether he will last.
I know this will shock all of you, but I think that the key factors are there for him to last. Here's why:
- Tebow is durable. He has yet to have a serious injury in all levels of football. Even furthermore, he's an absolute locomotive. He's like a 4 Loco. Tebow's workouts are legendary and that helps the durability factor.
- Tim Tebow is clutch. Most of the games this year have Tebow leading some type of drive toward the end of the game. In most (if not all) of those games he has risen to the occasion and has been physically and mentally unbeatable.
- Tim Tebow is confident. I watched this a couple of times ( and was floored by the fact that he consistently thinks he is going to win each possession, each drive, and each game.
- Tim Tebow is a cash cow. He has a top selling jersey and his philanthropic efforts make him ridiculously marketable. He's exciting to watch and brings in new fans to the NFL that never would have watched the games otherwise.
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